Dishman Family

These pages present detailed genealogical data for many ancestors and descendants of Samuel Dishman (Duchemin), emigrant from France to America sometime prior to 1693. He settled in Westmoreland County, Virginia with his half-brother Isaac Duchemin and was naturalized in the Colony of Virginia under the anglicized name Dishman. In addition to direct ancestors, the database includes spouses, siblings, their ancestors, and related families.

James Samuel Dishman
James Samuel Dishman c1945

These pages also include detailed data for my paternal ancestors beginning with my grandparents James Samuel Dishman and Betty Bell Grigsby. They lived in King George County, Virginia not very far from where the original immigrant Samuel Duchemin first settled, and they were the last Dishman family to live there.

You can get detailed information about these individuals by using the Surname Index or Search available on the menu. Selecting Persons of Note from the menu will take you to a list of known Immigrants, Patriots, and those ancestors that served in the military during various conflicts.

My maternal ancestors are documented on a seperate part of the website and can be accessed by selecting Mitchell Family from the main DishmanWeb homepage.

Some individuals on this site are marked by an icon to denote a special relationship, characteristic, or other item of interest. The following icons are used:

A direct ancestor of the site author
A person who is a twin or other multiple birth
The person is recognized as a Revolutionary War Patriot by the DAR
The person's page includes a photograpgh exhibit

These icons appear after the person's name in indexes, on that person's individual page, and when listed as a child with his or her parent.

Not all people in the database are included on this site. Please see my DishmanWeb Inclusion Criteria page for a full explanation of how I determine whom to include.

These data were compiled by Keith Dishman of Johns Creek, GA, and builds upon the research of James Dallas Dishman of Lynchburg, VA. It is not complete and is an on going project. The author welcomes correspondence, corrections, and comments.

If you use this data in your published research or website, please provide a proper citation to this website. Thank you.

The database is maintained with The Master Genealogist and formatted for the web with a great companion program called Second Site written by John Cardinal.



Although every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of the information provided on this website, you should not assume that it is 100% correct. Use what you find as a starting point for your own research, and verify all your sources. If you find any errors, please contact me and provide me with the source of the correct information. Thank you and I hope you enjoy this site.